Item 145 of 703

LondonArt FLEURS MAGIQUE (5 colors)

Beautiful exclusive wallpaper mural FLEURS MAGIQUES designed by Nicola Bottegal and PJ Natuzzi for Londonart Italy. Available in 5 colors. Collection Tale Books: Les Mille et Une Nuits

Made on demand and scaled to fit to any size you need. Printed on very high quality non woven wallpaper.

Please do not hesitate to MAIL us for a quotation and free of charge simulation.

Delivery time around 4 weeks after approval simulation and receipt pre payment.

Price € 199,00 per m2. Delivery time around 3 weeks after aproval simulation and receipt pre payment.

A riot of flowers and shrubs with elegant lines in a perfect balance between the abundance of beautifully shaped leaves, flowers and fruits on climbing branches full of life. In this wallpaper, bright colours take centre stage and lend an almost magical aura.



Raw is a vinyl wall covering with a non-woven backing. Suitable for interiors only (walls/ceilings), it has an embossed and irregular surface, similar to a painter’s canvas. Raw comes in 100-cm rolls in the requested height, is impact resistant and easy to maintain.

Non-woven fabric
(70% cellulose - 20% synthetic fibre - 8% additives),
100% PVC spread on the decorative side of which
4% flameproof components

Total weight (-/+):
360 g/m² ÷ 380 g/m²

Total thickness (-/+):
0,30 mm ÷ 0,34 mm

Fire reaction certification:
class B-s2, dO - USA Class A


Impact resistantIMPACT RESISTANT


Embossed surfaceEMBOSSED SURFACE

Application with glueAPPLICATION WITH GLUE







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